Real Plans for Real Change: Person-Centered Thinking Workshops

Join LifeCourseConnect for this free 3-week series. Each 30 minute session will offer fresh ideas and perspectives about Person-Centered Thinking. Participants will come away with new ideas about:
  • The importance of person-centered thinking and the role of people, their families, and their supports
  • Learn how technology through LifeCourseConnect can help bring your person-centered thinking to life
  • Making communication and engagement an everyday experience.

All sessions take place at 2:00 p.m. EST

  • October 17 – Nick Burton: Making Person- Centered Thinking an Everyday Habit
  • October 24 – Lexi Westerfield & Jill Smith: What “Person-Centered” Means to Me
  • October 31 – John Dickerson: Great Expectations: Person-Centered Thinking

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